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Veggie Gardening

Veggie Gardening

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Gardening is something that we talk about a lot around Tin Box. We grow veggies, herbs and even some fruits year round here. Thanks to some indoor hydroponic systems and to generous growing seasons (at least compared to where we have lived in the past) we are able to grow quite a bit of produce each year and preserve it for the year to come.

This year we are a little off our game. Time was spent more on growing our business and on travel than on working the soil and growing our garden. Last year’s garden boasted enough zucchini for dog food through February and we just used the end of our green beans last month. Between not planting early enough and deer busting into our garden and eating half of it we are definitely not where we should be. Does that mean give up? Absolutely not! We have started prep for a fall garden and will be working on giving our existing plants everything they need to flourish. We have strong tomato plants still in the garden and some great looking squash plants. A little failure is not the reason to quit, it is a reason to figure out another way. There are always challenges to face whether you have a garden or not, own a home or not, have a big family or live alone and the list could go on and on. Challenges are what test us and make us think of other ways to accomplish what we are working towards. They are what make us look back at the work we have done and show that we are proud of what we accomplished. Ultimately, they are what make living life so worth it.

Our fall garden will include peas, lettuces, radish, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, beets, beans and more. Well we hope so anyways! The hope and excitement of seeing what will come of the playing in the dirt is thrilling. As an educator who loves teaching science I know why these plants grow, but I am continuously fascinated and thrilled when they are ready to harvest. The science gives me an understanding, the challenges give me motivation and the harvest gives me all the happiness and excitement. I am continuously amazed about what we can do and produce for ourselves, if we just try.

The only herbs outside right now are basil and parsley, as they are regularly used in our home. We are getting ready to fire up our hydroponics with other herbs like oregano, thyme, rosemary and more. We will even be doing some salad lettuces inside. We use this Aerogarden system for most of our herbs, but love this smaller garden for lettuces. I am very interested in working on expanding our herb collection and am starting to research more natural remedies for everyday uses. We are constantly moving and active at Tin Box and often find our muscles sore and fatigued. This, among many reasons, are the reason for looking for more natural remedies that we can produce on our own.

We are continuously working towards a homestead lifestyle where we can produce, hunt, fish, grow and gather as much of our food as we can. We look to first reuse or repurpose items when we can, rather that purchase from big stores. We enjoy eating meals at home, made from scratch, and even better when we grow or catch the food ourselves! Veggie gardening is a staple of our lifestyle and a great way to live a little simpler.

Thank you for reading and spending some time with us here at Tin Box! We hope you enjoy and look forward to hearing about your own garden experiences, techniques and more!


Brenda says:

You inspire me!!!!!

Thank you so much!

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