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Lavender flowers are grown all over the world

What is it?

Lavender is a flowering plant that is in the mint family. The flower and oil of lavender is popular for use in many ways and for it’s scent. This plant grows in full sun and should be in soil that drains well to grow properly. While lavender is a flower (it is a flowering plant) it is considered an herb as well. Personally, I find lavender a difficult plant to grow from seed, but I do well enough keeping established plants alive. If you are successful at growing lavender it is a perennial plant and will regrow back year after year. It is a beautiful plant to grow, with fragrant blooms.

Lavender is often used in bath products because of it’s soothing properties.

Benefits of using Lavender:

Lavender has properties that are thought to antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. This can help to heal and soothe minor burns and bug bites. It is also known to be soothing. Lavender has the ability to reduce anxiety and blood pressure because of it’s calming abilities. With these properties lavender will help support sleep, reduce pain and inflammation, help with mood swings, help with menstrual pain, reduce colic symptoms and help with anxiety and depression.

With all of these amazing benefits of lavender, it almost seems silly not to incorporate this plant into your own regular use. While we are not great at it, we love growing it here at Tin Box and add an existing plant each year to our outdoor gardens. When we are working on growing our herb pantry, we also add this plant to our indoor hydroponics systems.

Uses for Lavender:

Lavender can be used through many forms: essential oils, the plant itself, extracts, foods and teas.

We hope to be able to distill our own essential oils one day!

The essential oil can be breathed in through use of a diffuser, bath products, perfumes or room sprays. The essential oils are strong and it is recommended to tone them down a bit with a carrier oil (almond oil, jojoba oil or coconut oil) and only use a drop or two. I like to mix a drop of essential oil with 2 drops of a carrier oil. **Please remember to check with your doctor or health professional before using. Especially with lavender; it is strong and many people are allergic.

Herbs de Provence is an herb blend used in cooking. The herbs in this mixture are dried lavender flowers, fennel seeds, dried savory, dried thyme, dried basil, dried marjoram, dried rosemary, dried parsley, dried oregano, dried tarragon and bay powder. This herb blend can be used when cooking rice, chicken, soups and so much more! Lavender is seen throughout the kitchen in uses, infusions and recipes. The extracts and sugars infused with lavenders are popular to use in baking. Dried lavender buds can also be found in many teas for the soothing effects that it provides.

Lemonade infused with lavender

Tin Box Products that use Lavender.

Here at Tin Box we use lavender in both our home and our products. You can find lavender infused into olive oils and extracts in our kitchen. In our products you will find lavender throughout many of our products. The complete list is below. Click on any of the links to take you directly to the product and get a bit more information.

Looking for some help to relax? I hope this post helped you find some ways to incorporate lavender! We hope you enjoyed reading more about lavender. Have you thought about how you will incorporate more lavender into your routines and life? Will you try to grow lavender in your own gardens? We can’t wait to hear your thoughts and look forward to hearing from you. As always, thank you for reading our latest blog post. We are so happy to have you on this journey with us and we look forward to hearing your thoughts, advice and feedback. Simply, Beth