Categories DIY


We make lists for almost everything. A shopping list for groceries, a packing list for trips, a bucket list for travel and experiences. Lists are something that help us to stay focused and on track. They help us to save money and accomplish goals. Lists can be simple or complex. No matter the level of difficulty it takes to complete a list, the list itself should make life and accomplishing the items on the list easier. Let’s take a look!

When creating a list it is important to think about what you are trying to accomplish. Is it a week’s worth of meals? A clean house or a road trip across the United States? No matter what your goal is, keep it in mind as you think about the items getting added to your list. Let’s take a look at some of the lists that we use regularly and see if any of them work for you.


Grocery lists are one of the most basic and most used lists out there. Everyone eats and that means trips to the store or market are most likely in your future. Some may use online services to have groceries delivered (which is super convenient), but there is still thought and the making of a list in that order.

When making a grocery list I first think about the proteins used for each meal for the week ahead. It is often chicken, shrimp, pork, steak and a pasta dish. Then I build menus around those proteins and a list is in order. I will often shop my own pantry before hitting a store, but will also check for sales on regularly used items to save on money and stock up when savings are big.

Road Trips

Now I realize that never everyone heads out on road trips, but almost everyone will take a vacation or at least a few days away at some point during the year. My go-to way for this list is to first make a list of the activities and excursions that will happen on the trip. If I’m just driving the list is easy and very short, but if there is hiking, fishing, sightseeing, lakes or oceans, restaurants or anything else I need to make sure that we have the right clothing, supplies and more. This list can get pretty long, especially for longer trips. We need to make sure we have dog food and supplies, food and road snacks for us, appropriate clothing for everything along with supplies for activities. This is by far the most complex list I create and feels like it is never complete. When starting out, try to keep it basic and work from there.


This list is my least favorite list to make, but necessary. We have two dogs, a business run out of the house and an active, busy lifestyle. Even when we are super busy things get dirty and dusty. Aquariums gets dirty, dog hair piles up and dishes & laundry needs done no matter how much time we spend at home. I keep a basic list of items to clean each week (mostly because I like to cross it off when I get the chore done), but a more complex list of items to clean at least once per month and another for quarterly cleaning. This is the best way for me to not forget about a room or cleaning the fish tank because sometimes I get too busy and just forget.


Projects are another reason to make a list. My projects are a little different than most, as I’m working a season ahead usually. Right now I have a list started for Easter products and content. Running a product business is a bit tricky, as I want to celebrate holidays and seasons in the moment, but need to have items ready for the season ahead of time. It makes our home a little chaotic, but fun and always changing.

For projects, to-do items, goals, ideas, bucket list items or whatever you want to fill into this category it is important to start with the end result you hope to accomplish. Break that end result down into smaller parts and build your list around those smaller items. I tend to think of this list as more of an outline and just make sure to add an end date to each section. If I don’t put an end date the list will get pushed aside and forgotten, but when it is on my calender chances are much much higher to be accomplished.

Making lists is not for everyone, but if you have a short memory, busy life or have kids I hope that this helps to make your lives a little easier! Please let me know what lists you make or need help making and as always, thank you for reading and joining us on this journey.

Simply, Beth