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Not So Simple

Simple Sundays

Sundays are a day that I like to share what we do to work towards our goal of homesteading and becoming more self-reliant. I share what is working, what is not and ideas we have for the future.

Just wanted to let you all know that there is nothing really simple about my life, and it is okay if it isn’t for yours either. I run 2 small businesses and am adding another line to one of them, run (happily) a household, take care of a lot of animals, travel as much as possible, spend as much time as I possibly can with family while we are living close, deal with the ups and downs of being married to the military, trying to stay active and workout so I can continue my strength and health and working towards goals. I am stubborn and like to make things myself and provide for myself. I prefer to do things the old fashioned way and am working towards a much more homestead type of life and while it isn’t so simple right now balancing everything, it sure isn’t boring!

I speak to the simple way of life often, but that doesn’t mean it is an overnight change in lifestyle. I took one step at a time and made one change at a time. It can be incredibly overwhelming when you make a lot of changes at one time, trust me…I’ve tried. I melted down. It was incredibly disappointing and frustrating that I couldn’t make it work and I felt so defeated. I took a long break from the lifestyle, and still found myself wanting to get back to it, but knew I had to take a different approach. I started with chickens and can I just tell you…it’s a gateway into a whole new world. We slowly added a garden, bees, drying our clothes outside and so so much more. Don’t be afraid to slow down and take stock of what is important to you and ask yourself, why are you doing this?! I know that I find the most joy in spending the day at home. A day where I’m cleaning out the garden, canning produce, gathering eggs and fresh veggies and walking through a clean house that showcases our projects and what we love. I also love a day camping or fishing that lets me get outside, walk through the woods and cuddle up with our dogs at the end of the day. It is NOT a glamorous life, but it sure is fun and a life full of joy.

As we work on updating our website, adding to this blog we have been sitting on for way too long and share the projects we are working on, I hope you all follow along and share with friends. I look forward to seeing your thoughts and own life happenings and answering any questions you may have. Thank you all being here and reading along! Simply, Beth


George says:

I love it, my mom used to dry our clothes on the line all the time, smelled so good!

We love it too! Makes doing the laundry so much more enjoyable.

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