I love making decorations for the holidays and Halloween is no different! Add in some plants and increase the joy levels for me. Halloween comes at the end of the growing season for many people, but it comes at the perfect time to focus on indoor plants. Let’s get some started with a fun, decorated pot! Terra Cotta planters are the basic pots for indoors and outdoors. The material withstands the watering process with amazing strength and holds up to elements like heat, cold and sunlight. Not only is it a strong material, it can also be painted, glazed and decorated. This gives the plants inside them a festive home to live in.
To start this project simply gather a few, inexpensive, supplies. I picked up a few fifty cent acrylic paint bottles and some paint brushes. Next, gather some water, paper towels and something to put your paint on. I usually just use scrap paper, but a paper plate works great too. Are you going to keep your pot outside? If so, make sure you seal your artwork to hold up against the elements. My only other note here is make it fun. Want to add googly eyes to your monster? Do it! Pipe cleaners, glitter, sequins and more are all fair game for this project. The last supply that is most important is the pot! You can grab these pots at any home improvement store or gardening center. They are inexpensive and easy to find.

When it comes to these types of projects I usually just go with what feels right, but if you are a planner or perfectionist, sketch out your design now. Before you start painting, the only real preparation you need is to dust the pot. Make sure that excess dust or dirt is removed so that the paint hits the pot directly. If you want the painting to be super smooth sand down the exterior of the pot too. I don’t do this, but it is something to think about. If you want your design to not blend together grab a hairdryer to dry the acrylic before being on to another color. Simply point the air stream at the wet paint and fan it with the hairdryer until the paint is dry. The best part of acrylic is that it dries quickly and doesn’t blend in with other colors when the paint is dry.

What theme will you choose? I may have forgotten all of our Halloween decorations when we moved to Hawaii. The movers came, we had every ready to go, but our Halloween decorations were still out in the shed and I forgot to include them. Our old theme was more skeletons and black gothic decorations, but this house had a fresh start so we are centered around ghosts and pumpkins! Think about how you decorate your home for the holiday for a cohesive look, or really shake things up and do something different! It doesn’t have to fit your theme, and should be for fun. Want to get even more simple? The color of a Terracotta planter isn’t far off from a pumpkin, so you could simply paint a pumpkin face on it and call it a day. Simple and cute!

You don’t have to use these cutie planting pots for live plants. You can also use them for candy, pens, kitchen utensils, fake flowers and so much more. Get just as creative with the contents of your pot as you did with the outside of it. Let us know in the comments what you are putting in yours!
We hope you enjoy this simple, yet fun DIY Halloween decoration. As always, thank you for reading and for joining us on this journey. Simply, Beth