Categories Recipe


We love Skrewball Whiskey and have been looking for other ways to use it in our cocktails. This Peanut Butter and Jelly drink is a fun spin on the classic sandwich and tastes pretty good!

This drink is so simple to prepare and we already had all the ingredients in house to make it! Note: If you don’t have Grand Marnier, any orange liquor will do! We always have Grand Marnier on hand to add to mimosas and to bake with. The supplies are easy as well, and if you don’t have a shaker on hand add it to your shopping list! Shakers are something that we didn’t have on hand for the longest time, but it certainly makes mixing drinks easier and cools down liquids super quick!

To make this drink simply add ice to your shaker and measure out the ingredients directly over ice. Give the concoction a couple of good shakes and strain into your glass. We used martini glasses for this one, but any glass will work! Add a garnish if you like, and enjoy! Note: We plan to make these for an upcoming dinner party and will be adding small PB&J sandwiches as a garnish. Fun, right?!

If you try this drink be sure to let us know in the comments, or tag us on socials. As always, thank you for reading and joining us on this journey. Simply, Beth