Categories Tin Box Business

Upcoming Changes

Hello and happy Sunday! We are thrilled to be back to work and can’t wait to start getting back into the swing of things. Things will be a little bit different between a big location change and a new baby in the mix, but we are finding more and more ways to make it work for everyone. Keep reading to see what is new, what is gone and how things will look moving forward.

We are still not finished putting everything away……

Things we are adding: We will be adding different ways to order. Pre-Orders will allow you to order products for a limited time at a lower price. This will help to offset the increase in shipping costs and give you early access to holiday items. We will also be adding monthly specials, parties where you can earn free products and an ambassador program. Stay tuned for details on all of these items as they are being introduced over the next couple of months.

Things we are taking away: We are taking away several products that will include tank tops, thick framed signs, products that require table saws, hand saws and other machinery to complete. We are only working with our small laser while in Hawaii and no machinery, so products will be streamlined to fit this requirement. Thankfully lighter pieces ship out at a less expensive rate!

Policies that are changing: SHIPPING. This is a big one. I will go over it again during our Grand Re-Opening, but shipping will change. We moved to Hawaii and will not be able to continue under our previous low rates on shipping. As we add products back onto the website, we are also weighing and measuring so that you have more options for shipping. You will be able to choose between the going rate for US Postal Service, or choose my flat rate shipping. If you choose my flat rate shipping, your order will get sent out the Wednesday following my 3-5 business day production time. If you order on a Tuesday, your order will go out the next week on Wednesday, not the next day. Invoicing is still an option as well if you are looking for something specific or would like another rate. Just ask!

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask! Anything from the best way to ship, to how you can get custom work done I’m here to help! I’m happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have so please reach out. This is a work in progress as we find our new footing and look forward to working with you to find what works best. Your feedback is always welcome!

As always, thank you for reading and joining us on this journey. Simply, Beth