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Winter Skin Relief

National Winter Skin Relief Day

I’m definitely someone who does not do well with weather and skin. I’m constantly battling dry skin from my hands and feet, to my lips and even to my scalp. There are lots of way to help fight against dry skin. We use LOTS of chap stick and moisturizer, but love using scrubs and bath products to help give our skin some more nourishment that it desperately needs this time of year.

Here are some of the products I love using from Tin Box:

Sugar Scrubs

Our sugar scrubs help combat dry skin and other impurities by using sugar to exfoliate the dead skin and leaving the healthy skin nourished with coconut oil to hold in moisture for a longer period of time.

We suggest applying a generous amount to clean, wet skin and rub in circular motions. Rinse off scrub with warm water and pat dry. While not necessary to do right away, I would still apply moisturizer after use if you are dealing with extra dry skin issues. We love this scrub on our legs and arms, but please do not use on your face. Sugar is an abrasive and could upset your delicate facial skin. Our favorite scent is orange, but also love the vanilla. Citrus scents are great to use in the morning for a kick of energy and vanilla and lavender are great to relax with in the evening.

Foot Scrubs

Your feet are your number one part of your body, in my opinion. They are literally the tool that carries you every single day. They hold you up, take on weight and obstacles and are constantly pushed to the max. Unless you are a couch potato, your feet deserve to be taken care of. And if you are a couch potato, get up and use them so that they can be pampered!

Our foot scrub has a peppermint base which provides cooling and anti-inflammatory care. Choose from Green Tea to fight puffiness, Chamomile to sooth skin and reduce redness, Lemongrass to detoxify and Lavender for soothing and calming. If you don’t have an allergy to lavender it is my best choice for this type of year with extra dry heels. Green Tea is my usual pick the remainder of the year when I’m on my feet all day.

We suggest applying generously to clean, wet feet, ankles and legs and scrub in circular motions. Wash off with warm water and pat dry. Apply a cream or lotion of choice after use to help lock in moisture from coconut oil in the scrub.

Lip Scrubs

Lip scrubs are a great way to give your chapped lips a little extra love. While our lip scrub is not meant to be eaten, it is all natural and will not harm you if you accidentally ingest some. Fun Fact: It tastes and smells like Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal! We suggest wetting your lips with warm to hot water and apply scrub in circular motions to exfoliate dry and dead skin. Use a warm washcloth to wipe off scrub and apply a balm or oil of your choosing.

We hope you enjoyed our top Tin Box bath products that help to ease dry skin issues all year round, but are especially needed now during this dry period of winter. Don’t forget to pick up tools to go the extra mile with your skin care routine like a lava stone or loofah pad. Have questions on anything you read today? Don’t be afraid to ask, I love to help! You will see links throughout my posts. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases and some direct you directly to our Tin Box website.

As always, thank you for reading and joining us on this journey!

Simply, Beth