Business Update

Fridays will be for Business Thoughts

In the last couple of weeks, we have started sharing the different ways we spend our time and how we run our business. It has received some good feedback so we are going to start sharing more regularly on Fridays about our business strategies, ways to be more efficient and ideas for your own small business, home organization or just overall time management. I am not an expert, by any means, but will be sharing what has worked for Tin Box in the Woods as we have grown our small business from a hobby that saved us money to a full time business that has provided me with an actual income that serves our family well. Follow along on Fridays to see what we are doing and how we are doing it and please, ask questions along the way! We love sharing our journey with you all and hope you find something while reading that will benefit you as well!

Other Updates:


St. Patty’s day products are being added as we speak so we will be ready to help you celebrate your Irish luck, no matter how Irish you really are! 🙂

We are launching a new line on March 8th: Tin Box Baby. We are expecting our daughter Gracen sooner than that, but will be using her actual due date as the launch date for our new Tin Box Baby Line! Stay tuned for details and information about this fun new line that will span across both Tin Box in the Woods and Tin Box Tees!

Easter will also be launching towards the beginning of March. Easter is March 31st this year so we will have a busy month ahead in all aspects of home and business. Thankfully, I will have extra hands to help me with everything!!

Local Delivery Changes

We will be removing Local Delivery as an option for the time being. This change will be effective March 1st. With a new baby and an upcoming move we have decided that the open option is a bit too much for us at the moment. We will continue to provide notice when we plan to travel to different areas and help save you shipping costs as often as possible! Right now we are looking to allow for at least one local delivery run per month before moving, but I have a feeling I may have a relative or two that would be willing to help bring orders to their areas! 🙂 Thank you in advance for understanding!

Gracen Carter

We have been mentioning often that we are expecting our daughter to arrive anytime in the next 3 weeks! While we are not sure what our time will be like once she gets here, Jorge will be on paternity leave and I’ll have help with regular activities. There shouldn’t be a huge disruption in regular Tin Box activity, as Jorge is familiar with all of the products and tools that we use here. Obviously we will be in the hospital for a few days, but otherwise life will continue. Even if we are a bit more tired than usual…haha. If you have questions about an order, or about an order you plan to make, please do not hesitate to reach out! We will do our best to keep you updated as new updates are available!

Have questions on anything you read today? Don’t be afraid to ask, I love to help! You will see links throughout my posts. Some are direct links to Tin Box products & pages, while others will take you to a friend’s page or an Amazon product page. As an Amazon Associate I earn a commission from qualifying purchases that you make from my links.

As always, thank you for reading and joining us on this journey! We appreciate you and the time you take to support our small business!

Simply, Beth